Domain's RAA Verification
What is the RAA Verification process? As of January 1, 2014, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) has mandated that all ICANN accredited registrars begin verifying the WHOIS contact information for all new domain registrations and Registrant contact modifications. The RAA Verification is triggered under 2 conditions: New Domain name registration. The Registrant contact information is updated When the Registrant contact is updated, the RAA email is sent toPopularHow to Add or Manage DNS Record inside Your Client Area
Please login to . Enter your email address and password to login. Click on Domains DNS Management. ( to Link Your Domain Name to Shopify - cPanel
This tutorial is divided into 2 parts since we need to modify the DNS record for the domain name inside your cPanel first before updating the changes inside your Shopify account. First Section: Modify DNS Record for Your Domain Name Login to cPanel and click on Zone Editor under the Domains section. Click on the Manage button next to your target domain. (https://stPopularHow to Change or Update Your Nameservers in Client Area
You can login to ->Domains -My Domains to manage your domain name. Click on the gear icon next to your domain name. Click on Nameservers on the left sidebar. Select "Use custom nameservers (enter below)" and enter your nameservers as highlighted below. ( Domain Contact Details
This tutorial is to teach you how to modify your domain contact (all TLD except for .my,.sg,.id) details if there is any changes. Please login to Client Area -My Domains Click on drop down of Manage Domain and click on Edit Contact Information. ( readersHow to Custom Point Your Domain to Blogspot (Blogger)
Login at and select the blog that you wish to apply with the custom domain Click on the drop down arrow and select "Settings" as seen below Under Publishing section, please click on "Set up a third-party URL for your blog" as seen on the image below ( readersHow to assign your domain to a hosting using Domain Assignment
If you purchased additional domains to host in your existing account, please use the steps below. This tutorial only for WordPress Hosting, cPanel Hosting, Directadmin and Semi-Dedicated Hosting only. Login to Client Area -Domains -My Domains Click on the Manage Domain as shown below: Click on Manage Assignment as shown below: (https://sSome readersHow to Create Email Forwarding From Inside Client Area
This tutorial is designed for clients who purchased only domain name (.com, .my, .org etc) from Serverfreak without purchasing any control panel such as DirectAdmin or cPanel. Before beginning, kindly set the domain nameservers to the following: You may refer to this tutorial on how to change your domain nameservers. However,Some readersHow to Change Your Computer DNS Settings
This article will advise you on how to change your computer's DNS servers addresses. This article applies to Mac OS and Windows OS. Mac OS X From Apple Menu, click System Preferences, then click Network. If the lock icon in the lower left-hand corner of the window is locked, click the icon to make changes, and when prompted to authenticate, enter your password. Select the connection for which you want to configure Google Public DNS. For example: To changeFew readersDocuments required for MYNIC domain registration
.my Document Required: Borang 9 (Certificate of Incorporation for SDN BHD) or Borang D (Certificate of Incorporation for Enterprise/Sole Proprietor) Or Malaysian Identification Card (Individual) Document Required: Malaysian Identification Card. / Document RequiredFew readersHow to Flush DNS (For Windows Vista, XP etc.)
Occasionally, a bad DNS entry will be cached and you will see the same old web content even after you’ve made new changes to your website e.g. uploaded new files, images. In this case, you can choose to clear your internet browser cache or flush your DNS cache. Given below is a comprehensive step-by-step process to flush the DNS. Click on " Start " button and right click on " Command Prompt " and select " Run as Administrator ". ( readersHow to add and connect your new domain to cloud server
Here we will guide you to ADD and CONNECT your domain to your server. ADD domain to server. Adding domain to server is vary depending on control panel you are using. cPanel Direct Admin (https://help.serverfreak.comFew readersWhat Is A Domain Name Pointer?
A domain name pointer is a domain name which simply points to your account. In other words, domain name pointers allow you to have as many domain names point to your website as you wish. These are not multiple accounts with multiple copies of the same. Here's how you can set up domain name pointer in both Direct Admin and cPanel accounts: How to Set Up Domain Name Pointer in Direct Admin ( readersHow to Check If the Domain Name Is Active
MYNIC DOMAIN - .my / / / / Visit this link : on your browser then type the domain name and click SEARCH You may check either the domain is active by check on the Record Expired Other domain - .com/ .net /.org / .biz /etc Visit https://Few readersDomain Life Cycle
Here's the domain life cycle summarized in full detail. The illustration above shows the five stages of the domain life-cycle. It is crucial to have knowledge about your domain name. Your DOMAIN is your IDENTITY. Don’t let others grab it. So don’t let your domain name to be expired!Few readersHow Long Does It Take DNS to Propagate Throughout the Internet?
Anywhere between 12 to 48 hours, depending on the frequency that your ISP updates its DNS servers.Few readersMYNIC DNS Code
Below are the list of MYNIC's DNS code for ServerFreak's DNS Name Server MYNIC Code SKEY0000029158 SVA026199 SVA026745 SKEY0000020588 SKEY0000004040 SKEY0000004041 SKEY0000031398 SKEY0000007242 SKEY0000011082 SKEY0000011083Few readersThe Difference Between Domain Transfer and DNS Update
When you update the domain name servers, you inform the DNS servers on the internet to direct the traffic for your domain name to the DNS of your hosting account, for example: Nameserver 1: Nameserver 2: If you only purchase domain with us and hosting from other provider, you may obtain the DNS information from your hosting provider. Kindly allow 12 to 48 hours of domain propagation period before your domain name wilFew readersMYNIC Domain Transfer
A. MYNIC Domain Transfer (Change Invoicing Party) Please WHOIS the domain name and obtain Administrative Contact’s MYNIC Login: MYNIC SELFCARE LOGIN • Username • Password MYNIC WHOIS Please check: Note: User can inquiry SF sale/billing team to help them WHOIS the domain’s Admin contact detail to find out which email address being assigned on the domain. Go toFew readersAddon Domains Causes An Error
Errors only occur from addon domains that are already present. In order to fix this please raise a support ticket and we will remove the DNS entry so you can then recreate the domain.Few readersHow to Bypass Propagation Process on Your Device
Global Propagation normally takes 6-24 hours to propagate. You can hard code your PC/Laptop to bypass the propagation process to start manage the domain. Please refer the following step: ( readersHow Do I Access to My Domain Control Panel ?
You can login to -My Domains to manage your domain name. *Not available for MYNIC registration.Few readersHow to Check Slow Connection Issue
If you are facing slow connection on your server or website, kindly provide our Technical Support with following info: Ping result (Go to Command prompt --type : ping <SERVER IP / DOMAIN NAME-t). Get your public IP address ( Visit this site - ) !Few readersHow Do I Perform a Traceroute?
In windows you will need to open up a command prompt. Goto Start. Click on Run. Type in cmd in the dialog box. Press Enter. Once the command prompt opens you will type in the below command. tracert In OS X you will need to open up which is located in in your Utilities directory in the Applications folder. Double clickFew readersHow to Clear Browser Cache
Browser cache is a snapshots and data from web pages you've visited in the past. The information is stored to make your internet experience run more smoothly and revisited web pages load faster. In most browsers, you can clear the cache in either the settings or options menu. Press keyboard combinations Ctrl+Shift+Del (Windows) or Command+Shift+Delete (Mac) bring up the necessary deletion screen in most browsers as well. Google Chrome On your computer, open Chrome. At theFew readersHow to Check if Website is Down or Working Worldwide
To check your website availability from more than 100 different locations, including China, Malaysia, New York, and etc you may check from : Site24x7 allows you to check your site online status, total response time, theFew readersDocuments required for .sg / domain registration
Kindly email to and provide us the details below: Name: Address: Singpass ID: Contact Number in Singapore: Company Name (for : Company Registration No (for :Few readers(Migration) How to View Website Before DNS Pointing
This tutorial is to help you to test/view your website after migrating, without the need of DNS pointing of your domain. With the help of this free tools .This online tool is designed towards web developers and administrators who perform website migration between hosts. It allows to access the site at the new location without any system or DNS modifications, so you and your clients can easily test it before repointing the domain. What is the requirements in order to use thisFew readersHow to clear your cache browser
For Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Microsoft Edge, you can simply use keyboard shortcut to clear your cache browser. While in the browser press Ctrl + Shift + Del simultaneously and click clear data. For Safari (IOS) Click on Safari on the top menu bar and click Preferences ( readersHow to clear browser cache on iPhone/Android (Chrome)
Browser cache is a snapshots and data from web pages you've visited in the past. The information is stored to make your internet experience run more smoothly and revisited web pages load faster. Open Chrome at your smartphone and Tap on your google profile Tap on Privacy and security Tap on Browsing Data (httpFew readers