How to Resolve “ Found Unsigned Entry In Resource:”
If, in your .jnlp file you are referencing some signed jars, sometimes the verification fails miserably with the following stacktrace: entry in resource:
at com.sun.javaws.LaunchDownload.checkSignedResourcesHelper(UnknownSource)
at com.sun.javaws.LaunchDownload.checkSignedResources(UnknownSource)
aPopularHow to Reboot/Manage Your VPS in Client Area
Please go to ServerFreak Client Area -My Services -Go through your product list -Click on the Green Icon besides your VPS.
You will see the management tools like screenshot below at the bottom of product details:
You can click any button on the management tools for specific task.Few readersCan I Change The Port ssh Listens On?
Yes you can change the port that SSH listens to by editing the /etc/ssh/sshdconfig file and uncommenting (Remove the from the beginning the line) the line containing below.
Port 22
Example of a changed SSH port
Port 55555
You then can change the number to a uncommon SSH port. Some good examples are 5555 or 33333. You will then have to open that port on in the APF configuration file located at /etc/apf/conf.apf.
You will want to add this new port number to the lines below.
||Few readersHow Do I Check What Kernel Version My Server Is Running ?
You can check what kernel version your server is running by typing the command below.
root@localhost:~ uname -a
Linux localhost.localdomain 2.6.9-42.0.2.ELsmp 1 SMP Wed Aug 23 00:17:26 CDT 2006 i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux
The number you will looking for normally starts with a 2.6. In this case localhost.localdomain is running a 2.6.9-42.0.2.ELsmp kernel at this time.Few readersHow to Disable Mod_Security for a Single User Account or Domain
ModSecurity is an Apache Module, also known as the Web Application Firewall (WAF) that are deployed to provide an external security layer that increases protection level, detects and prevent attacks before they reach the web-based application/software programs. How ModSecurity blocks the attack/exploits is by use of specific ModSecurity rule sets.
At times, we may encounter Error 406 or need to disable the modsecurity rules in order to allow our applications to function correctly.
Here'Few readersWhat Does Each cPanel Build Type Mean?
cPanel maintains three production builds and one beta experimental build. Below is a breakdown of the EDGE, CURRENT, STABLE, RELEASE, and STABLE builds.
EDGE -- Edge is the bleeding edge tree. While it has the newest features; It has undergone the least amount of testing (if any). You generally shouldn't run this build unless you need a bug fix or feature in it. Once an equivalent CURRENT or RELEASE build has been released, you should switch away from this.
CURRENTFew readersHow Can I Install New Packages with Yum?
Per Yum's website ( "Yum is an automatic updater and package installer/remover for rpm systems. It automatically computes dependencies and figures out what things should occur to install packages. It makes it easier to maintain groups of machines without having to manually update each one using rpm."
The key features include:
Multiple Repositories
A Simple configuration file
Correct dependency calculation
Fast operation
rpm-consistent behaviFew readersHow Can I Search My Entire Server For a File?
You can use the locate command to find any file on the server. See the example below.
root@localhost:~ $ locate viminfo
If the locate command complains about no locatedb run the command below to update the locate database.
updatedbFew readersHow Can I Install New Packages with Yum ?
Per Yum's website ( "Yum is an automatic updater and package installer/remover for rpm systems. It automatically computes dependencies and figures out what things should occur to install packages. It makes it easier to maintain groups of machines without having to manually update each one using rpm."
The key features include:
Multiple Repositories
A Simple configuration file
Correct dependency calculation
Fast operation
rpm-consistent behaviFew readersHow Do I Manually Kill a Process on My Linux Server?
Log into your server as the root user and find the process PID that you wish to kill. You can do that by issuing the ps command with the aux options. See example below.
ps aux
This will display a process list and each visible process should have a line similar to the one below.
username 31262 0.0 0.0 12168 1752 ? S 00:25 0:00 somecommand
The second number is the PID. Once you have the PID you can issue the kill command as follows.
kill 31262
If the process doesn't stop yoFew readersForce update cPanel/Exim/MYSQL/PureFTPd
cPanel: Run this " /scripts/upcp --force"
Exim: Run this " /scripts/eximup --force"
MYSQL: Run this " /scripts/mysqlup --force"
PureFTPd: Run this " /scripts/ftpup --force"Few readersHow Can I Disable Root Logins Via ssh On Centos and Setup a su User?
To disable root logins you will need to edit the /etc/ssh/sshdconfig file as the root user and uncomment (Remove the from the beginning) the line containing below and changing the yes to a no.
PermitRootLogin no
After you save the file you will need to create a new user that will be your su user. (If you already have a user you want to use you can skip this step)
Add the user:
adduser mysuuser
Give the user a password:
passwd mysuuser
After you save the file you willFew readersHow to resize partition in Windows Server
RDP to your Windows server
Click on Start/Windows button and type in Disk management
You should be able to see Create and format harddisk partitions
Alternatively, you can also use Run and key in diskmgmt.msc
You should be able to see Unallocated space allocated on the disk that you want to resize
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