Articles on: Magento

How to Migrate Your Magento Store To Another Hosting Account

This tutorial is designed to guide you on how to completely transfer a Magento store from one host to another. This is also applicable if you want to move your Magento application from one folder to another.

This tutorial shall be divided into 4 sections:
Backup the Magento MySQL Database
Transfer all Magento Files
Adjust the Magento Configuration
Restore the Magento Database

The (1) and (2) tutorial requires the technical assistance from our technical staff

Section 1: Backup the Magento MySQL Database

In order to avoid potential error that may occur using this backup method using phpmyadmin, we highly recommend you to open a support ticket to us to perform the MSYQL export for your Magento database.

As an example, you can include the title "Performing Magento Backup and Restore Using MSYQLdump"

Remember to provide your cPanel account login information and name of the MYSQL database assigned to your Magento store.

Section 2: Transfer All Magento Files (Using Zip Method)

Due to the large size of Magento files, we highly recommend you to use cPanel File Manager to zip all files.

If you use FileZilla FTP to perform this, you will find that this can be very time consuming.

If the above 2 methods (Zip file or Filezilla) are too complicated for you, you are always welcomed to open a support ticket to us in order to handle the files migration on your behalf.

Section 3: Adjust Configuration Settings (After Migration is Completed)

After the files are restored you should alter the configuration file in order to match the new settings.

All you need to change here is the database details at the new location.
Those are stored in the app/etc/env.php file.

The lines you need to alter are:
'host' => 'yourhost',
'dbname' => 'your_db',
'username' => 'your_user',
'password' => 'yourpassword',

host: This is referring to your host. Insert "localhost" without the open and closing bracket
dbname: your Magento database name in full
username: your Magento database username in full
password: the password for your Magento database

Section 4: Restore Magento Database

Similar to Section 1, the restoration of Magento database must be done by our technical support team since you do not have server backend access.

In your support ticket, you need to indicate the following details on what needs to be updated:

Change of address - Kindly indicate whether there's any change in the Magento store address.
If there's no changes, you may leave this as default since we will only update core_config_data by altering the value for web/unsecure/base_url and web/secure/base_url.

Once the database restoration is done, the last step is to clear the Magento cache by login to your Magento admin panel >> System >> Tools >> Cache management or by deleting the contents of the /var/cache and /var/session folders inside your Magento installation directory.

Updated on: 19/04/2019

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