Articles on: Woocommerce

How to Manage the Coupons on Your Woocommerce Store

Shoppers love coupon codes!

By offering discounts based on certain coupon code will certainly make them feel special and this will help to boost the sales of your store. In the next few lines of this tutorial, we will discuss in details the whole management of the Coupons feature so you can be fully aware of how to use those.

Step 1: Create Your Coupon Code

Login to your WordPress Admin dashboard and click on Woocommerce > Coupons

If you are creating your first coupon, you shall see the "Create your first coupon" button as follow. Click on the button to begin the coupon creation.

However if you are already experienced and have created coupons before, then you can directly click on the " Add Coupon " button.

Once you click on that Add Coupon button you will be presented with a simple interface for the configuration of your new Coupon. The options are separated into three sections and in the first one you will need to input the actual Coupon code and its Description (second section).

In the third section, you will find the options for the Coupon Data structured in few tabs. By default, the first tab selected will be the General tab with the following options.

Discount Type - Here you will be able to configure if the discount should be for products or for the whole cart
Coupon Amount - The actual amount of the coupon
Allow Free Shipping - Including free shipping with the every use of that coupon
Coupon expiry date - The expiry date of this coupon code

The second tab is called User Restriction and there you will be able to configure different restrictions about the coupon code. Here are the options available:

Minimum spend - The minimum amount that should be spent in order for this coupon to be used
Maximum spend - The maximum amount that should be spent using this coupon
Individual use only - If the coupon cannot be used in conjunction with other coupons
Exclude sale items - If the coupon cannot be used on items on "Sale"
Products - If the product should be available for specific products only
Exclude products - If the coupon should not be applied for certain products
Product Categories - If the coupon should be available only for categories of products
Exclude Categories - If any categories should be excluded in the usage of that coupon
Allowed Emails - If the coupon should be disabled for concrete users based on their emails

The final tab is called Usage Limits and there you will be able to configure different options regarding the usage of the coupon code. The options you will find in this tab are:

Usage Limit Per Coupon - How many times this coupon can be used by all of your customers
Limit Usage to X items - For how many items a coupon can be applied
Usage limit per user - How many times a coupon can be used per customer

Congrats! you may now click on the Publish button to save changes.

Step 2: Edit and Delete Your Coupon Code

This part is pretty much straightforward. On your coupons management page, you just just need to hover your mouse over to your targeted Coupon and click on the Edit link which will appear.

In order to delete a coupon please hover over any existing Coupon and click on the Trash link.

Congratulations! You can now fully manage the Coupons of your WooCommerce Online Store!

Updated on: 15/02/2019

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