Articles on: Woocommerce

How to Switch Your WooCommerce Store to Maintenance Mode

There are times when you need to place your website offline and stop receiving orders from your WooCommerce store due to reasons best known to you.

By default neither Wordpress nor WooCommerce have the Maintenance functionality integrated so you will need to add it additionally. Listed below are the simple steps which you can follow to turn your Online Store into Maintenance Mode .

Login to WordPress dashboard and click on Plugins > Add New .

Type in the search box " maintenance " and you shall see the plugin called
" WP Maintenance Mode ". Click on the Install Now button.

Click on the Activate button to activate the plugin.

Once installed the plugin can be reached via the Settings menu and then WP Maintenance Mode.

When you access the page for the Maintenance plugin you will notice quite a lot of settings as the plugin is quite useful. You will be able to configure the plugin using the three tabs located at the top of the page - General, Design, Modules.

To be able to activate the maintenance mode you will need to simply choose the Activated Status from the General tab.

Once you are ready scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the Save Settings button.

Here's how your website will appear when maintenance mode is turned on:

Congratulations! You can now activate the Maintenance Mode of your WooCommerce online Store whenever you need to!

Updated on: 04/03/2019

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