How to Install New Magento Extension Modules
Login to your Magento administrator dashboard and click on System menu >> Web Setup Wizard (under Tools section).

You will be redirected to Setup Wizard page where you should click on the Extension manager option.

This will be redirected to Magento Marketplace. You need to register for a account at or login to your existing account in order to retrieve Public and Private Keys.
Here's where you can obtain your Public and Private Keys after login to
Click on the button as highlighted below in order to create your Public & Private Keys.

You shall see both Public and Private Keys immediately.

Now we need to copy and paste these 2 keys at the Extension Manager page which was shown in Step 2. Once you've filled in the public and private keys, press the Submit button.
You will be redirected to the following page as shown below. Press the Review and Install button to view which Extensions you wish to install for your Magento store.
Select the chosen extension by adding a tick in front of it and click the Install button to initiate the process.

This would redirect you to a new page where you should initiate Readiness check by clicking on the Start Readiness Check button.

Once the check is ready and if the extension is compatible with your website, just click on the Next button in front of your screen.

The next step is to choose whether you would like a backup of your application or not.

Once you choose what you want to backup, click on the Create Backup button.
In case you do not want a backup, untick all and click Next.
This is the final step. Press the Install button to complete the installation process.
Once the installation is completed you shall see some message inside the console log.

You will be redirected to Setup Wizard page where you should click on the Extension manager option.

This will be redirected to Magento Marketplace. You need to register for a account at or login to your existing account in order to retrieve Public and Private Keys.
Here's where you can obtain your Public and Private Keys after login to
Click on the button as highlighted below in order to create your Public & Private Keys.

You shall see both Public and Private Keys immediately.

Now we need to copy and paste these 2 keys at the Extension Manager page which was shown in Step 2. Once you've filled in the public and private keys, press the Submit button.
You will be redirected to the following page as shown below. Press the Review and Install button to view which Extensions you wish to install for your Magento store.
Select the chosen extension by adding a tick in front of it and click the Install button to initiate the process.

This would redirect you to a new page where you should initiate Readiness check by clicking on the Start Readiness Check button.

Once the check is ready and if the extension is compatible with your website, just click on the Next button in front of your screen.

The next step is to choose whether you would like a backup of your application or not.

Once you choose what you want to backup, click on the Create Backup button.
In case you do not want a backup, untick all and click Next.
This is the final step. Press the Install button to complete the installation process.
Once the installation is completed you shall see some message inside the console log.
Updated on: 18/04/2019
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