Articles on: LiteSpeed

What is LiteSpeed Cache (LSCACHE) & Its Advantages

We are proud to announce to all of our clients that our shared servers are powered by LiteSpeed technology. One of the benefits of using LiteSpeed Web Server is the integration of LiteSpeed Cache or LSCACHE.

Do you know what is a LiteSpeed Cache?

As indicted by the name, LSCACHE is a cache and it is used only in the LiteSpeed Web Server. Before we go in depth on what LSCACHE is all about, let’s take a look into LiteSpeed Web Server first.

The LiteSpeed Web Server

LiteSpeed Web Server is an alternative to the traditional Apache Web Server. Both appear similar but LiteSpeed Web Server is a powerful server with extraordinary performance improvement. In a nutshell, the LiteSpeed Web Server is a high performance Apache drop-in replacement and widely considered as the number one commercial web server on the Internet.

Features of LiteSpeed Web Server:

Listed below are some of the most common and important features of LiteSpeed Web server.

Apache Compatibility: LiteSpeed Wev Server is apache-compatible and compatible with commonly used apache modules such as mod_rewrite, mod_security etc. In addition, the .htaccess is also supported in LiteSpeed Web Server.

Improved Performance: The LiteSpeed Web Server offers better performance than Apache Web Server and highly compatible with the mod_security.

More Secure: The LiteSpeed Web Server is highly secured than the Apache web server. As we have discussed earlier, it is compatible with the mod_security.

With these 3 features described above, the LiteSpeed Web Server is powering majority of the shared servers worldwide, not just only at ServerFreak.

Now we shall focus on what is a LiteSpeed Cache (LSCACHE).

LiteSpeed Cache (LSCACHE)

There are 3 different types of LiteSpeed Web Server, mainly OpenLiteSpeed, LiteSpeed Web Server Standard and the LiteSpeed Wen Server Enterprise edition. The Enterprise edition is built-in with cache functionality called LiteSpeed Cache or LSCache. It is bundled with 2-CPU licenses for free and as an add-on for other licenses. It’s available since version 4.0. The LSCACHE behaves similarly to the mod_cache in Apache and performs similarly to Varnish. For your information, the use of LSCACHE is not limited to PHP pages and caches the dynamic contents. It uses the rewrite rules for better flexibility. These rewrite rules are implemented either in the configuration files or in .htaccess files of each website. Since the cache mechanism is built-into the LiteSpeed web server, it eliminates the need of one layer of a reverse proxy, thus exhibiting enhanced performance.

How to Enable LiteSpeed Cache?

The LSCACHE can be activated in various ways. For example, there are various LSCACHE related plugins available for popular Content Management System (CMS) such as WordPress, Joomla, Magento, WooCommerce and Xenforo. To enable the LSCACHE’s cache function, you just need to activate the plugins. Please follow the link below to enable LSCACHE in this way:

Kindly inform us if you need further assistance to activating LSCache if you happened to own one of these CMS on your website.

Updated on: 27/12/2018

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