How to Install & Enable LsCache Plugin for Joomla
Note: The LiteSpeed Cache plugin requires Joomla 3.x installation or later
Download LsCache for Joomla from LiteSpeed Tech website here.
From the Joomla Administration menu, navigate to Extensions → Manage → Install

Select the Upload Package File tab, and drag the zip file into the window, or press the button to browse for the file.

The plugin will be automatically installed and enabled as seen in the image below:

After installation is done successfully, we need to verify whether the plugin has been enabled properly. Here's how you can check the plugin status:
Login to your administrator dashboard and click on Extensions → Plugins.

Type Litespeed in the search bar as seen below. If the box is ticked for LiteSpeed Cache Plugin , that indicates that the plugin has been enabled.

If you see a red X instead, click the red X to enable the plugin. Once you’ve done that, the green check mark should appear, and you are good to go.
Download LsCache for Joomla from LiteSpeed Tech website here.
From the Joomla Administration menu, navigate to Extensions → Manage → Install

Select the Upload Package File tab, and drag the zip file into the window, or press the button to browse for the file.

The plugin will be automatically installed and enabled as seen in the image below:

What's Next?
After installation is done successfully, we need to verify whether the plugin has been enabled properly. Here's how you can check the plugin status:
Login to your administrator dashboard and click on Extensions → Plugins.

Type Litespeed in the search bar as seen below. If the box is ticked for LiteSpeed Cache Plugin , that indicates that the plugin has been enabled.

If you see a red X instead, click the red X to enable the plugin. Once you’ve done that, the green check mark should appear, and you are good to go.
Updated on: 23/01/2019
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