How to Use UpDraft Plus Plugin to Generate Backup Inside Microsoft OneDrive (Paid)
NOTE: You need to purchase the UpDraft Plus OneDrive AddOn App in order to perform the backup generation. The cost is around RM60 to RM70 (USD 15 one time fee)
Login to your WordPress dashboard and click on Plugins > Add New. Search for UpdraftPlus by typing into the search box. Next, click on Install Now button and follow by the Activate button.
To set up UpdraftPlus, select Settings > UpdraftPlus Backups from your WordPress menu. This will open the UpdraftPlus Backup/Restore page, where you can customize the UpdraftPlus settings to suit your backup needs.
Click on the Settings tab and then select the backup frequency. In this example, I'm going to generate daily backup for both Files and Database as highlighted below:
You can also choose how many previous backups to save. When you are happy with your backup schedule settings, remember to click on Save Changes at the bottom of the page.
It's time to specify where you want the backup file to be stored. In this example, instead of downloading to our own computer, we are going to use OneDrive to store our backup file remotely. Select the Settings tab again and scroll down the page to Choose your Remote Storage.
The integration settings for the solution you have chosen will then appear further down the page.
Press the Save Changes button at the bottom of the page.
Your WordPress is now good to go to backup your files and database once you see the following message:
Your settings have been saved.
NOTE: Besides OneDrive, other paid add-on upgrades you may consider including Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, BackBlaze and WebDAV.
Login to your WordPress dashboard and click on Plugins > Add New. Search for UpdraftPlus by typing into the search box. Next, click on Install Now button and follow by the Activate button.
To set up UpdraftPlus, select Settings > UpdraftPlus Backups from your WordPress menu. This will open the UpdraftPlus Backup/Restore page, where you can customize the UpdraftPlus settings to suit your backup needs.
Click on the Settings tab and then select the backup frequency. In this example, I'm going to generate daily backup for both Files and Database as highlighted below:
You can also choose how many previous backups to save. When you are happy with your backup schedule settings, remember to click on Save Changes at the bottom of the page.
It's time to specify where you want the backup file to be stored. In this example, instead of downloading to our own computer, we are going to use OneDrive to store our backup file remotely. Select the Settings tab again and scroll down the page to Choose your Remote Storage.
The integration settings for the solution you have chosen will then appear further down the page.
Press the Save Changes button at the bottom of the page.
Your WordPress is now good to go to backup your files and database once you see the following message:
Your settings have been saved.
NOTE: Besides OneDrive, other paid add-on upgrades you may consider including Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, BackBlaze and WebDAV.
Updated on: 12/02/2019
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