How to Remove WordPress User Bar Appear on Front Page
The Admin Bar was introduced since WordPress 3.1. It allows you to perform administrative tasks on your website while browsing through its front end. Here's an example how the Admin Bar appears on your WordPress blog:

There are many people, however, that would like to disable this feature. Here's how to do it:
Login to your WordPress Dashboard and click on Users > Your Profile
Scroll down and uncheck the box for Show Toolbar While Viewing Site

Scroll down to the bottom and click on Update Profile button.

There are many people, however, that would like to disable this feature. Here's how to do it:
Login to your WordPress Dashboard and click on Users > Your Profile
Scroll down and uncheck the box for Show Toolbar While Viewing Site

Scroll down to the bottom and click on Update Profile button.
Updated on: 08/01/2019
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