Articles on: Emails

How to Perform Email Account Setup in Microsoft Outlook 2010 (Non-SSL Settings)

Before starting :

1. Make sure your domain name loads. If it doesn't load your email account won't work.

2. Make sure you have setup your email accounts at your control panel (cPanel / DirectAdmin).

You are now ready to begin setting up your email accounts.

Open Outlook 2010

Select File > Add Account

You will see a box as shown below. Select Manually configure server settings or additional server types.

Click on Internet Email and click Next.

Fill in all the spaces below . Next, click on More Settings.

NOTE: Replace with your own domain name.

Go to Outgoing Server and tick My outgoing server SMTP requires authentication.

Go to Advanced and change the outgoing server port to 26.

NOTE: The above screenshot is for IMAP settings. For POP3 settings, please use port 110 instead of port 143.

Click Next, and Finish

Updated on: 05/12/2018

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