How to Build Custom Menus on WordPress
Login to your WordPress Dashboard.

Click on Appearance > Menus > Create Menu

Enter your desired Menu Name as shown in the example below and click on Save Menu.

At this stage, you can do two things. You can either:
a) Include all your pages into your new menu
b) Register all of your Social Media links and move them into the new menu
Include All Your Pages into Your New Menu
You can select the pages you wish to move to your new Menu or click on Select All if you wish to move everything into the new Menu. Next, press the Add to Menu button.

Choose your selected pages, choose your desired menu settings and press on Save Menu button.

Now visit your WordPress blog and you will notice new menu appear at the top as shown in the example below:

Register All of Your Social Media Links and Move Them Into The New Menu
Click on the Custom Links drop down box and enter your Social Media profile website URL e.g. Facebook, Instagram, Youtube etc. Click Add to Menu button to finalize changes.

Repeat the same step in (1) for the rest of your Social Media profiles.

Here's how your blog looks like together with the Social Media profiles at the footer.

Click on Appearance > Menus > Create Menu

Enter your desired Menu Name as shown in the example below and click on Save Menu.

At this stage, you can do two things. You can either:
a) Include all your pages into your new menu
b) Register all of your Social Media links and move them into the new menu
Include All Your Pages into Your New Menu
You can select the pages you wish to move to your new Menu or click on Select All if you wish to move everything into the new Menu. Next, press the Add to Menu button.

Choose your selected pages, choose your desired menu settings and press on Save Menu button.

Now visit your WordPress blog and you will notice new menu appear at the top as shown in the example below:

Register All of Your Social Media Links and Move Them Into The New Menu
Click on the Custom Links drop down box and enter your Social Media profile website URL e.g. Facebook, Instagram, Youtube etc. Click Add to Menu button to finalize changes.

Repeat the same step in (1) for the rest of your Social Media profiles.

Here's how your blog looks like together with the Social Media profiles at the footer.

Updated on: 04/01/2019
Thank you!