How to Adjust Font Size & Font Type in Weebly
Login to Client Area

Click on Services > My Services

Click on the Active button just beside your Weebly WebsiteBuilder package.

Click on the Manage button as shown below

Once you are done with your Weebly publication, now you can perform Fonts editing by clicking on the "Theme" tab as seen in the sample below.

Next, click on Change Fonts .You can now modify the Font Text and Font Type for "Header Area", "General" and "Footer" area. In this example, I shall be modifying the Font Text for the Footer area; specifically Paragraph Titles & Paragraph Text .

If I hover my mouse over to Paragraph Titles, you shall see which area will be affected by my latest editing work. Example can be seen above.
Click on Paragraph Titles and click on the drop down box to switch from Arial to your desired Font Type e.g. Lato . You shall see the Font type changes immediately.

Remember to click on Save Footer first before pressing the Publish button at the top right corner.
Repeat the same steps above except this time we shall use the mouse to highlight the Paragraph Title We Would Love to Have You Visit Soon! Go Green Next, click on the + or - button to increase or reduce the Font size. Example can be seen as follows:

Remember to click on Save Footer first before pressing the Publish button at the top right corner.
NOTE: You can Bold, Italicize or Underline the text by using the method as described in Part 2 above

Click on Services > My Services

Click on the Active button just beside your Weebly WebsiteBuilder package.

Click on the Manage button as shown below

Once you are done with your Weebly publication, now you can perform Fonts editing by clicking on the "Theme" tab as seen in the sample below.

Next, click on Change Fonts .You can now modify the Font Text and Font Type for "Header Area", "General" and "Footer" area. In this example, I shall be modifying the Font Text for the Footer area; specifically Paragraph Titles & Paragraph Text .

If I hover my mouse over to Paragraph Titles, you shall see which area will be affected by my latest editing work. Example can be seen above.
Part 1: Change Font Type
Click on Paragraph Titles and click on the drop down box to switch from Arial to your desired Font Type e.g. Lato . You shall see the Font type changes immediately.

Remember to click on Save Footer first before pressing the Publish button at the top right corner.
Part 2: Change Font Size
Repeat the same steps above except this time we shall use the mouse to highlight the Paragraph Title We Would Love to Have You Visit Soon! Go Green Next, click on the + or - button to increase or reduce the Font size. Example can be seen as follows:

Remember to click on Save Footer first before pressing the Publish button at the top right corner.
NOTE: You can Bold, Italicize or Underline the text by using the method as described in Part 2 above
Updated on: 12/12/2018
Thank you!