Create website using Weebly Site Builder
Login to your client area here:

Go to Services >> My Services

Click on View available addon

Click on Website Builder

Choose and purchase your Weebly plan, and complete the checkout

Once your purchase of Weebly is completed, go back to Services >> My Services , and click on the Weebly plan you just purchased which listed under Product/Service list

Then click on Update FTP Credential for setting up connection between your Weebly page builder with your hosting server

Use the following details:
*Replace, your Cpanel username, your Cpanel password, with the actual value
Once the above is entered, click on Update FTP Credential
Lastly, click on Login to Weebly Site Builder to start building your website with Weebly!

Go to Services >> My Services

Click on View available addon

Click on Website Builder

Choose and purchase your Weebly plan, and complete the checkout

Once your purchase of Weebly is completed, go back to Services >> My Services , and click on the Weebly plan you just purchased which listed under Product/Service list

Then click on Update FTP Credential for setting up connection between your Weebly page builder with your hosting server

Use the following details:
FTP Host:
FTP Username: your Cpanel username
FTP pass: your Cpanel password
FTP path: public_html/
*Replace, your Cpanel username, your Cpanel password, with the actual value
Once the above is entered, click on Update FTP Credential
Lastly, click on Login to Weebly Site Builder to start building your website with Weebly!
Updated on: 04/08/2021
Thank you!