Articles on: Softaculous

How to install Dolphin from Softaculous

Login to cPanel and click on Softaculous App Installer

Click on Dolphin under Social Networking tab.

You will be taken to the software's Overview page where you can view information about it before installing.

Go to Install.

All the defaults for these options should be fine for most purposes, but we'll take a look at them anyway.

If your site has SSL, you should select HTTPS here.

If you have multiple domains on your account, you can choose where to install Dolphin.

The next two boxes allow you to set the directory and database name which should not exist on the server yet.

Set the Site Name and Description here. This can be changed later from the software's admin panel.

Enter a username, password and admin email for the admin account.

Click Install .After a moment, the software will be installed.

You shall see the message Congratulations! the software was installed successfully!

Updated on: 28/11/2018

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